[CentOS] Re: Postfix smtp freezing

Thu Aug 9 23:42:59 UTC 2007
Jason Ross <jross at medvoice.com>


I dont know that there is a specific error, it acts the same as if you 
put in a bad password.
Once I restart postfix, it goes right through.


Ken Price wrote:
>>       I am currently running
>> Centos 4.3
>> postfix-2.2.10-1.RHEL4.2
>> mailscanner-4.57.6-1
> Your OS is out of date, but not terribly in the grand scheme of 
> things.  This list probably remembers running CentOS 4.3 for quite a 
> bit and it was rock solid.  I'd start with the SMTP error message.  
> Try to be as specific as possible when posting to lists.  If the SMTP 
> error is your symptom, give us the EXACT smtp error.  This may simply 
> be a problem where your system hit a "default install" performance 
> ceiling and/or ran out of resources.  Errors of this nature usually 
> just require tweaking the config.
> Regards,
> Ken
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Jason Ross
Technical Operations Analyst
MedVoice International, LLC
Tel: 480-481-9292
Toll Free: 800-720-1151
Fax: 480-481-9712

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