[CentOS] dns propagation problem

Wed Aug 15 11:54:24 UTC 2007
Ray Leventhal <centos at swhi.net>

Mark Quitoriano wrote:
> On 8/12/07, *James Gray* <james.gray at dot.com.au
> <mailto:james.gray at dot.com.au>> wrote:
>     As others have said, you MUST increment the zone's serial.
>     Addtitionally, on the master you may want to add "notify yes;" to the
>     zone stubs.  This will make sure bind sends out a message
>     (notification)
>     to the slaves when a zone is changed.
> where do i put the notify yes? on named.conf? or on the .zone file? do
> you have sample config for that? thanks!
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Hi all,

Mark, are you running chrooted BIND?  If so, the file locations are
somewhat different, but the general paradigm is the same.

db.* files are in /var/named
named.conf is in /etc
zone.* files are in /etc/bind

db.* files are in /var/named/chroot/var/named/ (if slaves, they're in
named.conf is in /var/named/chroot/etc/
zone.* files are in /var/named/chroot/etc/bind

I recently (with *lots* of pointers from this list) got my secondary NS
up running a chrooted BIND (on CentOS 5).  One of the issues I had was
the path set for the slave zone files.

In my secondary, I had the full path including the leading
/var/named/chroot/.  That was a big error.  The chrooted location is, it
seems, understood so my path/to_zone_files/ was wrong in my secondary's
named.conf file.

Made a *big* difference for me, clearly.

I do hope this helps. 
