[CentOS] Help with backups

Sat Aug 18 01:02:54 UTC 2007
Steve Searle <steve at stevesearle.com>

Around 01:56am on Saturday, August 18, 2007 (UK time), Scott Ehrlich scrawled:

> Trying tar cvf /mnt/samba_share/backup.tar /* eventually yields backing up 
> /mnt, which produces an unwanted loop, including /mnt/samba_share
> I looked at tar with --exclude /mnt but didn't seem to get the results I 
> wanted.

tar cvf /mnt/samba_share/backup.tar --exclude=/mnt /*

I'd also use nfs, not samba.



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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