[CentOS] Hot swap SATA?

Tue Aug 21 18:28:20 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Jim Perrin wrote:

>> Should it be possible to hot-swap SATA drives with Centos5?  It doesn't
>> seem to work on my system.  Removing an unmounted drive locked the
>> system up, and leaving one out at bootup makes the devices change names
>> and keeps grub from finding /boot on a scsi drive that is shifted up.
> Depends on the SATA controller, but yes. If the controller allows, you
> can hotswap sata drives.

How are the names supposed to work when one may be missing at bootup and 
added later?

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com