[CentOS] dialog boxes on X

Wed Aug 22 09:19:30 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Jim Perrin wrote:
> This is odd. I get nothing of the sort on my centos5 box, but I
> suppose it could be a version difference. Here, I get the following:
> [jperrin at insanity ~]$ gdialog --help
> cdialog (ComeOn Dialog!) version 1.0-20051107

So the super secret CentOS5 is hidden from me?

[angenenr at shutdown ~]$gdialog --help
gdialog is a compatibility wrapper around zenity, provided to hopefully
allow older scripts to run. If you are reading this message, you should
probably be using zenity directly

type: 'zenity --help' or 'man zenity' for more information
[angenenr at shutdown ~]$rpm -qf `which gdialog`
[angenenr at shutdown ~]$


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