On 8/27/07, Steven Vishoot <sir_funzone at yahoo.com> wrote: > > --- Mark Hull-Richter <mhullrich at gmail.com> wrote: > > > Lock file on the original file? > > > > > Something like that (pilot error). > come on we are chomping at the bits to know what went > wrong? ;-0 Having watched (and occasionally delivered) some heavy-handed clue-by-four training to Mark, perhaps he simply wants to keep some dignity here by not admitting such an error and having half the mailing list laugh at him. I can completely understand the sentiment, and I respect his desire to keep his mistake to himself. Having said that... this is the centos mailing list..... OUT WITH IT MAN! WE WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!111111eleventy111!!! :-P /God I'm a jerk -- During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell