[CentOS] rpmforge checksum errors

Tue Aug 28 16:30:06 UTC 2007
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Tuesday 28 August 2007, Phil Schaffner wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 08:31 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> > As already said the problem exists with an unspecified number of
> > mirrors. I
> > don't use "a" mirror. I installed your rpmforge repo rpm package.
> > That
> > retrieves the list of mirrors and tries one (at random it seems). The
> > checksum fails, it goes off to the next and so on. It seems to do
> > this
> > about ten times and then stops. Or maybe it was out of mirrors. One
> > time
> > none of them succeeded the checksum check, usually it takes 4, 5 or 6
> > tries
> > before I get a valid checksum.
> I also frequently see checksum errors with a similar setup, but seldom
> more than one or two failures.  I also use the fastestmirror plugin
> which may have some effect on the results.  No proxy is involved and
> results are similar at home and at work.

We see it too. My assumption is that it has to do with slow mirror sync 
somehow. It seems a bunch of mirrors typically sit on a old or new version 
that does not work with the local data (previously pulled from another 
mirror). My typical fix is to ignore it (either it finds a mirror eventually 
that's compatible or I try again later...).


> Phil
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