[CentOS] Package Tracking System

Tue Aug 28 21:56:51 UTC 2007
Server Gremlin <servergremlin at gmail.com>

Simon Jolle "sjolle" wrote:
> Server Gremlin wrote:
>> Steve Rigler wrote:
>> Thanks guys, that is pretty much what I want.  But what if I want to 
>> see the changelog for a package that I don't have installed?  I'd 
>> like to look at the changelog for a package available via yum before 
>> I upgrade my existing package to it.  When I did a "rpm -q 
>> --changelog mypackage", that only showed changes up to my currently 
>> installed version.  (Which makes sense if this is just looking on my 
>> local machine, which I assume it is)
> I am with you. Submit a feature request, maybe someone implements this.
> I also miss in RHEL and rebuilds something like "apt-listbugs". It lists
> you known bugs, before you install the software. "apt-listbugs" is a
> command line interface that query's Debian Bug Tracking System -> you
> don't need to open a web browser.
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That is awesome.  I've been using Debian for a while now and somehow 
apt-listbugs had eluded me; I've just been using the web page.  Thanks!  =)