On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 05:04:33PM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote: > It's easy to hate perl that other people have written, but you can write > your own in whatever style you like. 6 years ago I wrote a perl regexp that did some magic. The comment before it... # It's lines like this that make people hate perl The 10 line afterwards explained the magic. After all, I would need to read it again a few years later, so I needed to give myself all the help I could :-) (My best ever comment was "this came to me in a dream"; it was literally correct - the answer _did_ come to me in a dream - and it took me 3 days to work out _why_ that stuff worked! I finally replaced the comment with something more useful when I worked out what it did. After all, it was 10 times faster than my previous code). The problem with perl isn't that you can write crap code in it; the problem is that people take the "hammer" approach ("If I have a hammer then everything looks like a nail"). The responses to the original question are a perfect example; people wrote multi-line perl scripts to do something that was possible in 1 line of sed (the people writing perl didn't even write _efficient_ perl; dammit, -p flag people!) I'm probably fighting a losing battle; I was shell scripting 17 years ago when every fork/exec was expensive. I cry when I see people writing grep | awk type combinations (and don't start me on cat | grep). Old geek statement: If you think perl is the answer to a simple filter question then think twice. You might be right, but it's likely smaller faster tools already exist. And I say this as someone who has written 1000 line shell scripts and even bigger perl scripts; perl is good for complicated tasks, but rarely required for simple stuff. Don't wield your hammer because that's all you know. In this case, everyone who responded with a perl solution needs their hammer taken away. -- rgds Stephen