[CentOS] Re: rsync arg list to long

Thu Aug 30 18:25:59 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Jerry Geis spake the following on 8/30/2007 8:29 AM:
>> On 8/30/07, Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com 
>> <http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos>> wrote:
>>> / I am trying to do an rsync or scp from machine1 to machine2.
> />>/ I am getting arg list to long.
> />>/
> />>/ I am using centos 5 machine 1 and centos 4.5 on machine2.
> />>/
> />>/ I am using the default shell which is bash.
> />>/
> />>/ How can I get past this?
> /
>> Change your rsync command around a bit.
>> (If you can show us the command you're using, we can make some 
>> suggestions)
>> I would gather that you have a huge amount of files in the dir you're 
>> syncing.
> I was trying to do "rsync -a root at machine2:/somedirectory ."
> There are multiple directories under the tree and yes many files.
> also tried "scp -r root at machine2:/somedirectory ." with the same result 
> of too many files.
> Jerry
How about an explicit path for the destination to see if it is something in 
your shell?


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