[CentOS] Re: OpenSSL binary compatibility between CentOS 4 and 5
Scott Silva
ssilva at sgvwater.comThu Dec 13 01:00:21 UTC 2007
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on 12/12/2007 4:56 PM Ed Schofield spake the following: > On Dec 13, 2007 11:23 AM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote: > >> btw, does openssl097a in centos5 not give you what you need ? > > Thanks to both you and Scott for pointing this out. I had completely > missed this. This will give us exactly what we need. > > By the way, do you know why yum sees only the x86_64 version of this > package? It seems necessary to fetch the i386 .rpm from a mirror as a > workaround. > > -- Ed Yum tries to load packages that match your running architecture. -- MailScanner is like deodorant... You hope everybody uses it, and you notice quickly if they don't!!!!
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