[CentOS] file or website upload scripts / programs and security protection

Fri Dec 14 17:51:16 UTC 2007
Robert - elists <lists07 at abbacomm.net>

Holiday Greetings!

Ummmmm scenario is centos 4.5 standard apache webserver

I have a client that is really struggling with website file upload concepts.

Ive been googling for some scripts or other programs that allow uploading of
files to proper directory(ies) after authentication

I am definitely concerned about security issues of course.

I have never implemented this before because everyone I have ever given a
web address, a login, a password, and directory structure understood what
was going on.... till now...

Would someone consider and please share url's or other info about what
solutions they have implemented for the website upload technically

We do not mind paying if we need to get something that also helps create
excellent yet basic websites on the fly too.


 - rh