[CentOS] Re: VNCsever not starting at boot

Fri Dec 7 02:46:43 UTC 2007
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 12/6/2007 3:10 PM Robert Moskowitz spake the following:
>> Craig White wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 17:11 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>> Craig White wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 16:34 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>>>> When I run system-config-services, it shows vncserver set to 
>>>>>> start at boot.
>>>>>> in /etc/inittab I have init 3
>>>>>> vncserver does not start at boot.
>>>>>> I log in on the console as root and
>>>>>> service vncserver start
>>>>>> and it starts with some warning messages about bad display name 
>>>>>> in "add" command, but I do not see where these are logged to copy 
>>>>>> them into this message.
>>>>>> Once I start it from the console, I have trouble using the vnc 
>>>>>> client to access the server.
>>>>>> I really need for the vncserver to start at boot, as I want it to 
>>>>>> run in a place with no monitor or keyboard....
>>>>> ----
>>>>> I don't recall there being an issue vs runlevel 3 or 5
>>>>> First off, nx is a much better way to go
>>>> yeah, but that will take a bit of work. At least when I look at it 
>>>> back in the summer, it was not just a drop in as vnc has ALMOST been.
>>>>> Anyway...what's contents of /etc/sysconfig/vncserver ? Is it 
>>>>> configured?
>>>> Only thing I have configured is the vncservers= line
>>>> and for ~/.vnc I have run vncpasswd to set the password and edited 
>>>> the xstartup file to run gnome instead of X:
>>>> For Gnome, replace "twm &" with "exec gnome-session &"
>>>> also uncommented the two lines in xstartup for 'normal desktop'. 
>>>> Didn't notice any difference though,
>>> ----
>>> service vncserver restart should be all that you need then
>> And how do I do that without logging into the console? My goal is I 
>> boot the system up, and then over the network I remote into the 
>> server. I suppose I could 'cheat' and have webmin running....
> "chkconfig vncserver --list" should tell you if it is set to start at 
> runlevel 3, and "chkconfig vncserver on" should make it start on boot 
> at level 3, 4 and 5.
OK. --list showed only 5:on, doing the chkconfig vncserver on turned 2-4 
on as well. So I will reboot the box and see how it runs!