[CentOS] remote ssh to machine how display firefox

Fri Dec 7 02:45:18 UTC 2007
Ross Cavanagh <ross-cavanagh at bm-sms.co.jp>

John R Pierce wrote:
> Jerry Geis wrote:
>> I can ssh into a remote machine.
>> I can start X on that machine with startx
>> How do I then start firefox on that machine (from the ssh prompt) and
>> have it display on my machine in my office.
>> So I want to be using firefox on the remote machine but displaying the
>> screen output from firefox in my office.
>> Both boxes are running centos 5.
> don't startx on the REMOTE machine, have it running on the LOCAL machine.
> local$ ssh -X remote
> ...authenticate...
> remote$ firefox &
> and firefox should open on the local...
or you can do a port forward if you wanted to just use your local browser.

ssh -L <local-port>:localhost:<remote-port> <user>@<destination>

eg. ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 root at somedomain.com

then, in your local browser, simply type localhost:8080 as the url to 
display port 80 from the remote server.

More information can be found at 