[CentOS] Where are my VIM colors?

Fri Dec 7 18:04:13 UTC 2007
Charles E Campbell Jr <charles.e.campbell at nasa.gov>

Jon Stanley wrote:

>On Dec 7, 2007 11:30 AM, Charles E Campbell Jr
><charles.e.campbell at nasa.gov> wrote:
>>   - If you didn't install vim-enhanced,  I suggest getting the vim
>>source, preferably applying the patches, and compiling it yourself:
>Why?  There would be nothing that we could do to support anything
>compiled form source.  I attempt to discourage it as much as possible.

* many (usually hundreds) of bugs from any earlier releases have been 
fixed if one is using an earlier release
* applying patches fixes yet more bugs (currently there are 170 patches 
to vim 7.1) (admittedly, I didn't specify how to apply patches)
* runtime files have been updated (generally to fix  bugs)
* there are options associated with the configure, such as whether to 
have ruby, perl, cscope, Sun workshop, etc support compiled in  (see 
configure --help for the list)
* if one wants support for vim, there's an active mailing list for it 
with many knowledgable folks, including vim's author (see 
http://vim.sf.net/ for details)

Chip Campbell