[CentOS] CentOS 5.1 local repo HOW??????

Wed Dec 12 03:35:08 UTC 2007
Manuel Enrique Chavez Manzano <manny at cmc.cfg.sld.cu>

I have a local repo of CentOS 5.0, base and updates, I can't use rsync ,
so I do it manually, I mean I got the packeages from /var/cache/yum  and
copied to where the repo is and do createrepo, meanwhile I only have
CentOS 5.0 everything was fine, but now I don't know how to create de
5.1 and keep the 5.0 
I need some help 
thanks to all
"Nuestra recompensa se encuentra en el esfuerzo y no en el resultado.
Un esfuerzo total es una victoria completa".
                                        Mahatma Gandhi
              (@ @)
   |Manuel Enrique Chávez Manzano|
   |manuel864 at gmail.com          | 
   |manny at cmc.cfg.sld.cu         |
   |GNU/LINUX User               |
   |#424754                      |
   |Using CentOS 5               |
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