[CentOS] Centos 5.1

Fri Dec 14 13:27:38 UTC 2007
Centos <centos at unixplanet.biz>


I have downloaded Centos 5.1 several times, but I am getting md5checksum 

also none of the websites on North America had DVD version.
it is listed but I couldn't download it.

any one else have the same problem.

md5sum -c CentOS-5.1-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
]???d?Fw6k.u!???*??z?Nc?-: No such file or directory
]???d?Fw6k.u!???*??z?Nc?-: FAILED open or read
md5sum: ??????j?]?n>?I?6?????&O?i
*x??U?e(??o??Z-??x???.??????m: No such file or 
*x??U?e(??o??Z-??x???.??????m: FAILED open or 
md5sum: WARNING: 2 of 2 listed files could not be read