[CentOS] Expandable network storage

Fri Dec 14 19:51:32 UTC 2007
Steve Campbell <campbell at cnpapers.com>

I want to thank everyone who has provided insight into my thread about 
clustering MySql. I kind of just sat back and watched it develop. I 
learned a lot from it all.

I have been reading all of the documentation on clustering provided by 
Centos/Red Hat, and find I travel in circles. I read one chapter and 
answer a self-imposed question but I end up asking myself another.

What I really want to do is have HA for any service I run (which is 
mostly HTTP, MySQL, FTP, and the common things like that). I want to run 
that to redundant storage somewhere that is real easy to expand by just 
adding more hardware (server or disk drive).

I started exploring this by using the Cluster Suite as a base and then 
looked into each aspect of the cluster and invariably got stuck on the 
storage side of this. I see how I can maybe set this up originally, but 
the expansion just doesn't seem to be there. I don't really want to go 
the route of Fibre channels and ISCSI, and would prefer to use common 
hardware (which sort of suggests GNBD).

If anyone cares to offer suggestions, with a pretty clear explanation 
trail (thanks Ken Price for your link to a step-by-step), I would really 
like to see it, as I'm not getting anywhere with the documentation. I 
hope to get some hardware to play with shortly, and maybe that'll make 
things clearer.

I'm sure it one of those deals where once I get it done, it'll be so 
obvious. I just need a little kickstart to help me get there.


Steve Campbell