[CentOS] Problem after crash during yum update

Thu Dec 20 17:47:37 UTC 2007
Alfred von Campe <alfred at von-campe.com>


> Follow this forum thread:
> http://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php? 
> topic_id=10139&forum=27&post_id=32373#forumpost32373
> The command in there (note #6) may work for you as well.

Excellent, thanks for the pointer.  However, in my case I want to  
clean out the older packages since already I successfully completed  
the "yum update" to 4.6, right?  So it's just a matter of changing  
the "head" to "tail" on that command so it looks like this:

     for file in `rpm -qa --queryformat="%{NAME} %{ARCH}\n" | sort |  
uniq -c | grep -v " 1 " | \
       cut -c 9- | cut -d" " -f1`; do rpm -q --last $file | tail -1 |  
cut -d" " -f1; done | \
       grep -v kernel | grep -v gpg-pubkey | xargs rpm -e --justdb -- 
