[CentOS] Filesystem for Maildir

Mon Dec 3 15:26:00 UTC 2007
Heitor A.M. Cardozo <heitor at centralserver.com.br>

Christopher Chan wrote:
> Heitor A. M. Cardozo wrote:
>> Christopher Chan wrote:
>>> Heitor A. M. Cardozo wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> A draft with results of my benchmark based on fsbench is available 
>>>> in http://www.htiweb.inf.br/benchmark/fsbench.htm.
>>>> The methodology and the conclusion i will publish later, however, 
>>>> it shows that the XFS obtained better performance and EXT3 had 
>>>> results that can now compete in this environment.
>>> Thank you very much Heitor. May I trouble you to publish the files 
>>> that fsbench outputs or at least the summary files?
>> Ok Christopher, now the tests are available for download on site.
>> Any suggestions you may have to improve this benchmark are much 
>> appreciated.
> Well...creating graphs like the ones Bruce made would be nice...
> I am writing an awk script to pull out the averages from the summary 
> file. I already have the reader times done, all I need to do is get 
> the averages for the writers and then calculate the deliveries per 
> second for the different number of writers being invoked.
I agree and thank you if send me the average values or even the graphs.

Any suggestions to publish the results? wiki.centos.org?

> One thing that I do have in mind due to curiosity is what ext3j would 
> look like...
Ok, I added the log for ext3j in file log.tar.gz available on site.

Heitor A. M. Cardozo