[CentOS] backup / compressed copy

Tue Dec 4 12:04:20 UTC 2007
Andreas Kuntzagk <andreas.kuntzagk at mdc-berlin.de>

> > So to reduce load I'd like to have a script that:
> > 
> > identifies changed files only (using md5?)
> > copies them
> > and compresses them
> > 
> > storeBackup.pl does something similar, but keeps versions and creates
> > hardlinks between them. (Is storeBackup in any CentOS repo? I know it
> > from my SuSE box)
> > Any ideas? Do I have to change storeBackup to my needs? (Would really
> > hate that, because I'm not a Perl man)
> Well, I'm using "rsync --link-dest" to do this. This article 
> "http://www.rootprompt.org/article.php3?article=8976" had the principle
> but didn't use "--link-dest".

Well, but rsync doesn't compress, does it?
So I would need to compress first and then rsync - meaning I need to
keep the compressed files around twice. 
