[CentOS] Where are my VIM colors?

Fri Dec 7 15:39:26 UTC 2007
Rainer Traut <tr.ml at gmx.de>

israel.garcia at cimex.com.cu schrieb:
> Maybe, it's stupid question but I've just installed CentOS5 and when I'm
> going to edit some of my conf files I see no colors as it did in old
> CentOS4x...
> I'm using:
> [root at domian:~]$ echo $TERM
> xterm

Take a look at:

# cat /etc/profile.d/vim.sh
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" -o -n "$KSH_VERSION" -o -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
   [ -x /usr/bin/id ] || return
   [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -le 100 ] && return
   # for bash and zsh, only if no alias is already set
   alias vi >/dev/null 2>&1 || alias vi=vim

So you do not get vim for root...
