[CentOS] unstable kernel after update to CentOS 4.5

Tue Dec 11 15:55:45 UTC 2007
Alfred von Campe <alfred at von-campe.com>


> I checked the filesystem in the evening and it's clean. I really doubt
> there's anything with the disk.

That's what I thought too.  I had the same error you had, and  
initially the disk seemed to be OK.  It would run for weeks before  
the error showed up again.  But after I replaced the disk, the  
problem never occurred again.  The next time I got this error (on a  
different system), the drive also seemed fine otherwise.  I've  
learned my lesson.  When I see this error I just replace the disk.

If you have a spare disk, I would give it a try.  If your errors do  
not go away, then you can suspect something in the CentOS 4.5  
update.  But that update has been out for a while and I suspect it's  
running on thousands of systems without this problem.
