[CentOS] Re: Problems configuring SAMBA share on remote machine

Tue Dec 11 21:56:29 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 12/11/2007 1:02 PM Andrew Allen spake the following:
> I'm having problems getting a SAMBA share on a remote (Windows XP)
> machine to allow me write access to files. I can copy/paste whole files
> OK from my CentOS 5 box, but can't do any editing of files on the
> Windows XP machine, which I use as a file server for most of my domestic
> data (historical reasons for using Windows!). I've tried re-setting
> permissions to allow write access to the cifs-mounted folders/files, but
> without success - any suggestions please?
It is most likely permissions on the XP machine. Service pack 2 added some 
more restrictions to remote access, and it might be quite a bit of trial and 
error to get it working the way you want.
Maybe you might need to break from history and do things differently since 
some of the rules seem to have changed.

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