[CentOS] vsifax on Centos 5.1

Wed Dec 12 02:47:35 UTC 2007
Clint Dilks <clintd at scms.waikato.ac.nz>

Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 15:32 -0800, Liam Kirsher wrote:
>> Does eula stand for End User Licensing Agreement, perhaps?  Just a guess.
>> If it's a script why don't you just look in it (the calling script) and
>> see what it's doing?
>> Also, maybe the eula binary exists (did you look for it?) but is not
>> executable, which should be easy to fix.
>> Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
>>> All....
>>> I am trying to install vsifax on a 64 bit Centos 5.1 system.  The Esker
>>> staff have been helpful but no cigar.
>>> At first they thought the problem might be related to a 64 bit machine
>>> so I tried to install vsifax on a 32 bit Centos 5.1 machine and received
>>> the same error.
>>> One of their installation scripts is trying to execute a binary called
>>> eula which fails.  
>>>  ./eula: cannot execute binary file
>>> The tech support of vsifax advised me they had one other customer use
>>> Centos 4.5 and succeeded in a vsifax installation.  
>>> I was hoping whoever had the other vsifax installation might be
>>> listening to this list and could give me a hand.
>>> Thanks much!!!
>>> Greg Ennis
>>> _______________________________________________
> The vsifax documentation does not declare what the file is, but their
> installation scripts try to execute the 'eula' file and and fails.  In
> looking at the contents of the file it is not a simple script, but looks
> like a binary executable file.  I tried to execute the file manually and
> received the same error :
> [root at MailIn install]# ./eula
> -bash: ./eula: cannot execute binary file
> The file is executable :
> -rwxr-xr-x 1  227  105 374644 Apr 19  2007 eula
> The file is not a script, The beginning of the file is :
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> Thanks for your help!!
> Greg
> _______________________________________________
> CentOS mailing list
> CentOS at centos.org
> http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
What information is returned when you type file eula ?