[CentOS] Torrent: reminder to use it folks!

Mon Dec 17 23:15:46 UTC 2007
Kenneth Porter <shiva at sewingwitch.com>

--On Monday, December 17, 2007 5:10 PM -0500 "William L. Maltby" 
<CentOS4Bill at triad.rr.com> wrote:

> Well, there's so few going right now that I'm showing 38 days to get the
> DVD. My normal dnld from a mirror travels appx. 600Mb/sec.
> I'll wait until most of the U.S. goes home before I give up and use the
> normal download though.

Is there an issue with the tracker? I just restarted my CentOS 5.0 DVD 
torrent (I updated to 5.1 via yum) and am getting "connection refused" from 
the tracker. torrentinfo-console shows this as the tracker URL:


The 5.0 DVD torrent can be found here:
