[CentOS] Re: CentOS-5 Need Help With Serial Ports

Sat Dec 22 13:02:55 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

James B. Byrne wrote:
> Ok,  I can now configure ttyS1 with faxaddmodem, which I could not do
> before these changes, so that is progress.  However, faxaddmodem reports
> that it cannot detect a modem on ttyS0.  Since the modem and cable are the
> same for both, I am simply physically switching the port that the cable
> connects to in order to carry out the configuration, obviously something
> else is wrong.
> Does anyone have any pointers on how to get the primary serial port back
> from xen so that it can be of some use?  can I configure the irq for com1
> to use ttyS2? Will that work?
> Seizing one of just two available serial devices for a console port
> strikes me as a dubious design choice.  I venture that the vast majority
> of ES5/CentOS5 installations do not even configure xen doms other than 0
> and of those that do, only a vanishingly small percentage actually employ
> a serial console interface.

First stupid question by me :D

1.  Do you really need to be running xen?  (ie, are you doing a DomU
also on that machine)  If not, boot the real kernel and you will be set :D

2.  If you really do NEED xen then I assume you are trying to do this
serial stuff on Dom0 (where the serial port has a special purpose) ...
why not do it on a DomU instead?

Johnny Hughes

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