[CentOS] qmail on CentOS 4.4


jpotter-centos at codepuppy.com
Tue Feb 6 17:44:00 UTC 2007

Hi Will --

We switched to Courier (http://www.courier-mta.org/) several years  
back, having used qmail before that. We've found that it suites our  
needs very well. It behaves a lot like qmail with respect to .qmail  
files and its control files, and avoids many of the issues (both  
technical and otherwise) with (an unpatched) qmail.

It's even possible to run ezmlm-idx for inbound mail under Courier;  
one does have to do an install of qmail for outbound stuff. (Make  
sure to add smtproute info into qmail so it doesn't attempt local  
delivery for outbound messages that are local.) Having qmail for  
outbound ezmlm stuff has the side benefit of creating a second queue,  
so that normal Courier users don't have their messages competing with  
the list traffic.


On Feb 5, 2007, at 8:05 PM, Will McDonald wrote:

> On 05/02/07, Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > IIRC correctly, this is the (in)famous errno problem. It  
>> requires a patch to
>> > put qmail at 1.03. Life with qmail has all the instruction you  
>> need to patch
>> > and install qmail. There's a script to do it all for you. Qmail  
>> is really
>> > straight forward provided you follow the install directions to  
>> the letter.
>> > Once you do, you'll have the best SMTP server running.
>> *COUGH*
>> <flame war>
>> So... the patch upgrades qmail to postfix?
>> /runs
> Meeeoow! :)
> I HAVE to run Qmail because it's a legacy requirement. If I could find
> something with similar virtual domain and Maildir support (and for all
> I know Postfix or Exim may provide these) and a nice transition path
> I'm stuck with it.
> And let me throw in to the ring, there's a nicely RPM packaged Qmail
> package conglomerate at http://www.qmailtoaster.com/ And we all know
> that packages are the way ahead, right? :)
> Complete with CentOS instructions
> http://www.qmailtoaster.com/centos/cnt40/EZ-QmailToaster- 
> CentOS-4.3.txt
> Personally, I hack around with the SPECs before building to strip out
> the MySQL and other features and just use Qmail listening on localhost
> only for the very final Maildir delivery after messages have been
> dealt with by MailScanner and Sendmail, then Courier and VPOPMail for
> POP3 and IMAP.
> Will.
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