[CentOS] qmail on CentOS 4.4
Peter Serwe
peter at infostreet.comTue Feb 6 21:57:02 UTC 2007
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Les Mikesell wrote: > Doesn't everything do virtual domains these days? Sendmail has had > them for ages, although perhaps not quite the same way. And > everything that can use procmail for delivery (the default for > sendmail in Centos) can deliver to maildirs. Even qmail can route mail through procmail. Of course then, with qmail, you don't have to for Maildir delivery though. :P I have heard of oldschool procmail recipes from way back in the day though that dealt with spam, but that cat's been skinned about 200 other ways since then. > It's a very bad idea to let an unmodified qmail accept mail directly > since it accepts all addresses, then later generates bounces to the > ones that it can't deliver. A dictionary attack will bury your > outbound queue. Yeah, and unfortunately, there's only *umpteen* patches that deal with that. That dropping SMTP before accepting the messages into the queue cat has had it's skin removed so many times there's no cat left, as well. Peter -- Peter Serwe <peter at infostreet dot com> http://www.infostreet.com "The only true sports are bullfighting, mountain climbing and auto racing." -Earnest Hemingway "Because everything else requires only one ball." -Unknown "Do you wanna go fast or suck?" -Mike Kojima "There are two things no man will admit he cannot do well: drive and make love." -Sir Stirling Moss
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