[CentOS] qmail on CentOS 4.4


feizhou at graffiti.net
Wed Feb 7 02:49:38 UTC 2007

> Sendmail continues to deliver with procmail.  The difference when using 
> mimedefang is that you have already rejected viruses and spam with high 
> enough scores to reject early in the smtp conversation, and 
> spamassassion only needs to run once on messages with multiple 
> recipients.  You can add a header with the spamassassin score, then 
> filter/sort on that in procmail (or pop/imap agents) so users can have 
> different handling of the same message.  The mimedefang operations are 
> controlled by a small  snippet of perl so it is easy to customize.

I'd much rather use maildrop to do the final filtering/delivery than 
procmail. procmail is a beast.

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