[CentOS] Problem with kernel and e1000 driver -Correction

Peter Kjellstrom

cap at nsc.liu.se
Wed Feb 7 07:01:39 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 07 February 2007 03:21, Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
> 1) I'm actually not building a custom kernel per se, just one from the
> standard with our configuration.  I may be adding a custom
> driver, but unless I can get the standard kernel to boot,...

Custom is defined as not-a-centos-one.

> 2) I have been told that after, support for the Infiniband
> driver is dropped, and we need that.

Both Centos-4.3 and 4.4 (2.6.9-34.xx and -42.xx) has comparable or newer 
infiniband drivers though I recommend that you download and install ofed-1.1 
(and that you use latest 4.4, 2.6.9-42.0.8).

If you do feel the need to use a kernel.org kernel then I _really_ recommend 
using a newer one than what you tried. 1) do you think the first ever 
infiniband drop for the mainline kernel is what you want? 2) how many 
security problems do you think there are in that old kernel? (hint: quite a 
few). So go with 2.6.19.x for x as large as you can find.


> If this is not the case, I would 
> be delighted to know that and proceed accordingly.  I'm not sure, but I
> believe that CentOS version 5 will not happen soon enough for what we
> need.
> Thanks.
> mhr
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