[CentOS] Problem with kernel and e1000 driver -Correction

Jim Perrin

jperrin at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 00:27:26 UTC 2007

> Again, this works exactly as is on 32-bit builds.  It only fails on the
> 64 bit build.

Is this a completely clean x86_64 box you're building on? Any i386
packages on it? You could very likely be getting cross-chatter across
library arch versions if not.

<soap box>This is one of the reasons I recommend against doing stuff
like this. You introduce loads more variables into your sys-admin time
vs duties vs system stability matrix. In addition, if you build fresh
on every new box, you can end up with sporadic and unreproducible
problems due to subtle differences.
</soap box>

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

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