[CentOS] Problems loading CentOS 4.4 on ASUS M2N-MX mobo

Ted Miller

tedjeanmiller at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 8 03:26:18 UTC 2007

Ed Burgstaler wrote:
> I have a brand new ASUS MB model M2N-MX which is giving me issues when 
> installing Centos 4.4 64 bit
> I initially had problems with finding the SATA drives but I resolved 
> that issue by simply selecting the NVIDIA SATA (sata_nv)driver from the 
> list of drivers during the initial install.
> The install seemed to go fine after that as the installer uses the 
> Generic VESA video driver during the install, however, upon the restart 
> after the install, the server then completely locks up. I can only 
> assume it is at the point of loading the video driver although I really 
> don't know what CentOS loads after the "acivating local loopback" 
> section, because that is where it freezes on the screen.
> I'm thinking that the install to the SATA drive went well since it boots 
> from the drive though it doesn't exactly boot completely.
> I have tried reinstalling several times already with the same negative 
> results.
> Would appreciate any help that someone could offer in getting this 
> working with this new MB.


You say you think it is hanging at the video startup, yet you fail to give 
any info on what video hardware you have.  Do you by chance have video 
based on the nVidia 6200 chipset?  If so, Centos will try to install the nv 
driver, which does not support that chipset.  There may be other chipsets 
in the same situation, but that is the one that I fought with.  The 
proprietary nVidia driver works very nicely, but be sure to switch to vga 
before upgrading the kernel, as it has to be reinstalled/recompiled after 
every kernel upgrade.

Ted Miller
Indiana, USA

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