[CentOS] Re: Problems loading CentOS 4.4 on ASUS M2N-MX mobo

Ed Burgstaler

edb at wilson.ca
Thu Feb 8 23:20:26 UTC 2007

Feizhou ... thank you for the reply.

Feizhou wrote:

"When you get the grub screen, hit esc to stop the count down. Edit the 

kernel line and add 'acpi=off' to the list of kernel parameters. Then 

boot (run) that grub entry.

After you have got in, edit all your kernel parameters to add acpi=off.

That is how I get Centos 64-bit to run stably on my Asus manufactured 

board. Asus BIOSes are crap and their acpi table setup is lousy."

I only have one question ... if it does successfully boot using the
"acpi=off" parameter how do I actually edit all of the kernel parameters to
reflect the change? What file do I edit ... need some hand holding here if
you don't mind.

Thanks again


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