[CentOS] Linux on a Thinkpad R40

Johnny Hughes

mailing-lists at hughesjr.com
Tue Feb 13 21:00:00 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 22:28 +0900, John Summerfield wrote:
> I've just acquired a use IBM Thinkpad R40 model 2722-GDM.
> I'm contemplating what to run on it, and longer-term the likely 
> candidates are:
> 	Centos 5
> 	SLE{D,S} 10
> 	OpenSUSE 10.2
> 	Kubuntu - the latest.
> 	Kubuntu - Long Life (aka 6.04, Dapper, ...)
> I've booted Knoppix 4 in it and most seems well, including the Atheros 
> Wireless card Windows can't find.
> The major flies in the ointment are the wireless and the inbuilt modem 
> (Agere something). Google tells me the modem can be made to work, and 
> I'm pretty sure from my Acer that the Atheros wifi also work with some 
> minor fiddling: I've build the driver from source.
> The problem is, I've done enough fiddling* over the years. I've built 
> enough kernels, attaced enough configuration files with vim, and I want 
> an OS that just works.
> I'm sure RHEL 5 will not have a driver for my wireless, and I suspect 
> not for my modem.
> Now the point: do the auxilliary CentOS repos have the missing bits so 
> that I can commit to CentOS4 (or even RHEL5 beta) in the short term, 
> knowing that it's a simple upgrade later?
> How will CentOS reflect the different RHEL 5 versions? Will it simply 
> merge them into one product, or would one expect to choose different 
> boot media? I ask this because I see SLED doesn't have some of the stuff 
> I want - it's in SLES though, but then SLES doesn't have the madwifi stuff.

We currently think that we will have an OS repo that contains all the
packages from Client/Workstation/Server ... and the Cluster and VM stuff
as it exists as separate repos.

> * There's fiddling and there's fiddling. I'm getting tired of doing the 
> same fiddling all the time; it's time for new adventures.
> Thanks for your time.

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