[CentOS] CentOS 4.4 on Dell PE 6400 - not rebooting ...

Will McDonald

wmcdonald at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 14:17:41 UTC 2007

On 21/02/07, Joe Kazura <joe.kazura at unh.edu> wrote:
> This is my first post ... I *HAD* been trying to get RHEL AS 4 onto this
> Dell PE 6400/700, but it just wouldn't go without some weird tweaking.
> A reboot (or shutdown -r now) follows through to " ", but the machine never
> restarts - it appears to freeze (num-lock works, key-caps does not and
> Ctrl-Alt-Del does nothing) - I have to press and hold the power button to
> force a restart.

Have you tried booting the box (and then rebooting) with one/some/all
of the various APIC/ACPI options? e.g. "noapic noacpi apic=off

And is your BIOS firmware up to date?


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