[CentOS] Problems with new kernels

Thu Feb 1 12:05:16 UTC 2007
Thomas Dukes <tdukes at sc.rr.com>


I have been having problems using kernels since 2.6.9-34.0.2.  After
updating to a new kernel, my system runs, I'm guessing, 6 - 8 hours fine,
then becomes unresponsive.  For example, I installed the latest kernel the
other evening, reboot for the changes and by morning, the system appears to
be locked up.  Typing 'yum update' takes about 10 minutes to execute.

Not sure whats going on here but I'm stuck using 2.6.9-34.0.2.  This is a
centos 4.4 system on an IBM NetVista, 2.53 Ghz, 1GB RAM.  I have noticed
when there is a kernel update, it downloads the huge memeory and smp files.

