[CentOS] Intel 3000 and 5000 chipsets?

Fri Feb 9 20:16:40 UTC 2007
Alfred von Campe <alfred at 110.net>

On Feb 9, 2007, at 14:59, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> The one caveat was that while the stock e1000 driver will somewhat  
> work with the onboard NICs, it'll randomly decide to stop moving  
> packets about.  An upgrade to the most recent driver from Intel  
> (7.3.20) fixed that.

I apologize for hijacking this thread, but I've been meaning to ask  
this question for a while now.  I suspect that the e1000 driver in  
CentOS 4.4 is the culprit for at least some of the strange hangs I  
have been seeing.  What is the recommended way to install the latest  
e1000 driver on a CentOS system?
