[CentOS] Re: %include command in Kickstart

Fri Feb 16 00:55:16 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Al Sparks spake the following on 2/15/2007 4:44 PM:
>> One of the images (in Nahant) is to boot off the CD and install
>> from the network.
>> That should work BUT I've only used it to get the entire ks file
>> off the LAN. Booting from a CD is quick and easy (provided you
>> have a CD drive as in this instance).
>> Probably the %include will work fairly easily if the original ks file's
>> obtained via NFS; otherwise I suspect you'll need to do the mount;
>> in %pre
> How would I access the whole ks.cfg file on an nfs w/o dhcp?
> That would be ideal.
>    === Al
Assign an ip address during the boot process, and have everything referenced
by ip address, instead of names.


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