[CentOS] FOSDEM Request For Proposal

Tue Jan 9 15:12:27 UTC 2007
Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com>


For those attending FOSDEM either as volunteer or as a participant, we are 
looking for interesting presentations about CentOS. If you're interested 
for one or more topics, please contact me.

The deadline for the proposal is Tuesday 23 january 2007.

In our developers room (that we share with Fedora) we have about 6 slots 
of 50mins available that we can divide in 12 slots of 20mins if necessary.

More information is available in the wiki at:


We organise a pre-FOSDEM meeting on friday with CentOS and Fedora people 
in Brussels, more info about that at:


Below is more information about the deadline for the FOSDEM organisation 
as well as the insurance rules for those that bring hardware for the booth 
or for the devroom.

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pascal Bleser <loki at fosdem.org>
To: fhornain at axen.info, dag at wieers.com, chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Organization: FOSDEM
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2007 03:33:34 +0100
User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060911)
Subject: [FOSDEM Devrooms] Hardware insurance + Schedule deadline
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First of all, wishing you a happy new year to you, your family and
friends ;)

Hardware Insurance

As we did at past editions of FOSDEM, we again provide an insurance for
the hardware you'll bring along.
That insurance
- - is free of charge for you
- - is intended for speakers in your devroom (we can't pay the insurance
for the 4000+ visitors ;))

What we need from you is, for each device:
- - the name and email address of the owner
- - the type of device (notebook, network switch, PDA, ...)
- - the vendor and name of the device (e.g. Dell Latitude D800)
- - some sort of unique identifier that is visible on the device
(typically the serial number)
- - an estimation of its current value, in EUR

Note that our insurance will only cover the hardware for which we've
received the information as above *before Mon 19 Feb*.

Schedule deadline
The deadline for sending us your devroom schedule is *Sat 3rd February*
That gives us a week to hack all the data into our CMS and possibly make
some adjustments afterwards.
Please understand that we have to encode all the data and that we'd like
to have all the information available on the website for visitors 2-3
weeks before the event.

Note that if you already have part of the schedule, you can already send
us that information (so we can start adding the content now ;)), even if
you don't know yet at what time the talk will take place.

Please submit it to me (loki at fosdem.org) before Sat 3rd February by
email, as plain text.
The better structured, the easier it will be for us to encode the data ;)

For each talk/activity in your devroom, we need the following information:
- - at what time the talk starts and when it ends (or the duration)
- - the title of the talk/activity
- - an abstract (1-2 lines that shortly explain the topic)
- - a somewhat longer description (as long as you wish)
- - optional: some HTTP links (related links, project website, blog, ...)
* SPEAKER(S) (obviously, for each speaker):
- - the full name of the speaker(s)
- - if possible and if the speakers don't mind, also send us their email
address (it will _not_ be disclosed and only _possibly_ used by us, e.g.
to ask for the slides or such)
- - an abstract for the speaker (e.g. "Homer Simpson is the lead developer
on the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant project and contributes to a few
other FOSS projects such as Futurama and Southpark")
- - a somewhat longer bio of the speaker
- - optional: a photo or a link to a photo
- - optional: some HTTP links (website, blog, ...)

As said, please submit it as plain text.
Please send us the speaker abstract + bio in the 3rd form, e.g. "Homer
Simpson is the lead developer..." instead of "I'm the lead developer...".

Reference embedded URLs in abstracts and descriptions using the
following form:
"Homer Simpson is the lead developer on the
[http://simpsons.name/springfield/ Springfield town] project."
([URL description] instead of using <a href="...">...</a>)

Examples for abstract/description of talks:

Examples for abstract/bio/links of speakers:

Thanks for your cooperation ;)

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser <loki at fosdem.org>    http://www.fosdem.org
  /\\     FOSDEM 2007 :: 24 + 25 February 2007 in Brussels
 _\_v Free and Opensource Software Developers European Meeting

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