[CentOS] Best Board Your Ever Ran CentOS On?

Fri Jan 19 17:03:10 UTC 2007
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

> If anyone had one of these ppc64 blades available for donation to the
> CentOS team for our ppc builder machine that would be most appreciated.

the only Power I have access to now is a IBM pSeries 510Q 4 * 1.5Ghz 
Power5+ AIX server, which is on our intranet and in no way accessible 
from outside.   Sadly, its sitting 99.9% idle as the development project 
it was bought for is on indefinite hiatus, but I can't see any way 
politically or physically make it accessible to outside parties for any 
such purpose. :(

Also, the Power5 stuff isn't quite the same as the PowerPC.   Same user 
mode, same basic instruction architecture, but the -system- level stuff 
is quite a bit different as I understand...   Certainly, a pSeries 
server isn't a PC architecture machine.