[CentOS] CentOS: scanning

Wed Jan 31 10:31:33 UTC 2007
gilson redrick <gr843brz at highstream.net>


I've been using v.-4.4 since last Oct, and I'm quite satisfied, *except* 
for *one* thing: I can't scan! Both kooka and xsane report "no devices 
available." That doesn't affect printing, but every time I have to scan 
something, I've to go back to Mandriva or Ubuntu.
    I've had this HP psc-2410 for a couple of years. I scanned successfully 
with Fedora Core-3, Mandrake-10C, Mandriva-2006.0, and Ubuntu-2.6.15, but 
*not* CentOS-4.4!
    /etc/sane.d/dll.conf: uncommented last line "hpoj"
    /etc/rc.d/init.d: hpoj
    /etc/rc.d/rc5.d: @S54hpoj  @S55cups
	T:  Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  2 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
	D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
	P:  Vendor=03f0 ProdID=3611 Rev= 1.00
	S:  Manufacturer=hp
	S:  Product=psc 2400 series
    $ ptal-connect: mlc:usb:psc_2400_series
    $ scanimage -test
	scanimage: no SANE devices found
    Since I'm a user, not a hacker, I don't know what else to do. Any 
constructive help will be appreciated.

(in sunny, balmy Florida's Suncoast)
[an AMD Duron computer running Linux OS]