[CentOS] Lost Samba GUI interface

Sun Jan 7 12:25:53 UTC 2007
John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-01-06 at 12:56 -0800, Todd Cary wrote:
>> After making some adjustments to Samba via the Control Center, the 
>> System Settings | Server Settings | Samba (my preferred) no longer will 
>> display.
>> Can I fix this or do I need to reinstall Centos 4.4?
> I've never used that thing (the file name is system-config-samba) as it
> can mangle the /etc/samba/smb.conf file .... I have never liked system-
> config-samba.
> You shouldn't reinstall ... that program only works half the time
> anyway ... if it was not in the upstream distro and if we were not
> trying to mirror the upstream distro as closely as possible I would have
> taken it out already.
> Your best bet is to learn how to edit that file (/etc/samba/smb.conf) by
> hand.
> You can test the file for errors with this command (as root) from the
> command line:

I think Johnny's comments apply to several of the RH configuration 
tools. They're fairly basic and seem to me to be present just so that 
some beancounter can check a box, "Got that: [X]." I have over 20 
system-config-* tools installed; only one (system-config-network) seems 
useful, and the TUI version of that's broken. The LVM and SELinux tools 
might be useful, I've never had their need.



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