[CentOS] Fedora Legacy shutting down

Sun Jan 7 21:10:49 UTC 2007
John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
> John Summerfield wrote:
>>Because it's probably the easiest transition to something supported.
>>RHAS is more-or-less RHL 7.2, and in my ignorance I think it the likely
>>source for most RHL 7.3 fixes over time. It's the first place I would
>>look. If the transition is likely to work, it should do so with a
>>minimum of fuss and bother - binaries are compatible, for example, and
>>might not even require a reboot (except maybe to change kernels).
> The tactic I used on 7.3 boxes was to simply use upgrades from CentOS
> 2.1.  Here and there it required manual tweaks, but more or less it
> worked very nice.  All my 7.3 boxes used to run kernels, openssl, apache
> and more or less everything else important from 2.1.  If your servers
> followed "minimal install" route, this option might work nicely for you.
>  Just subscribe to Red Hat's enterprise watch list, and install updated
> packages as updates are released.  Needs some manual maintenance but at
> least you don't need to go through full update process.

Your experience is about what I expected.

Note re watch list; I'm on it, it's a little noisy (covers all 
releases), but doesn't have all updates. The only way I know to find all 
updates (short of having a real RHN account) is to watch the source ftp 
directory, and even that's not always up2date ) discovered.



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