[CentOS] How long it takes to determine the Domainname

Thu Jan 18 16:52:43 UTC 2007
Daniel Rindt <drindt at mx-solutions.de>

Am Donnerstag, den 18.01.2007, 19:34 +0700 schrieb Fajar Priyanto:
> I encounter the same behaviour with RHEL4U3 on Fujitsu server. I
> wasn't using 
> kickstart, but FTP install with static ip. I notice that on that
> particular 
> server the process took longer than usual.
It is nice to hear about and that it is a Fujitsu Siemens Server. Is
that the Fujitsu with the RTL-6189 rev 10 Gigabit Ethernet Card? Can you
use DHCP on them with the following Install Guide?

I had the currently undetected problem that the network doesnt work,
with static i had not tested yet. 
Can you affirm?
> Anyway, try to press any key such as spacebar several times. It might
> help. 
Yes this shorten the time to wait indeed, but the network doesnt work.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Daniel Rindt
MX-Solutions GbR
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 81
38667 Bad Harzburg

fon. +49 (5322) 559708
fax. +49 (5322) 559765
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