If I recall correctly, dlink has a couple of cards with bigger antenna's for send/receive power, that are on an external cable. They also have a relatively cool wireless repeater you can use to extend the range of your wireless network that either works with a wall-wart or PoE. As far as what you're going to need in your specific installation, it really depends highly on the composition of the floor/walls. Concrete/steel likes to block wireless *really* seriously. In extreme cases, I'd put a repeater on the top floor, one in the stairwell, and another on your floor, halfway in between you and the stairwell. There are a lot more expensive higher-end range solutions as well. Peter Richard E Miles wrote: > I currently am using CentOS 4.4 desktop computer. What would I need to recieve an internet signal from a wireless router that is connected to an Apple computer that is located upstairs? I am in the basement less than 150 feet from the Apple computer. I do not have wireless card in the CentOS desktop computer and am looking for a card to install to accomplish this. > > -- Peter Serwe <peter at infostreet dot com> http://www.infostreet.com "The only true sports are bullfighting, mountain climbing and auto racing." -Earnest Hemingway "Because everything else requires only one ball." -Unknown "Do you wanna go fast or suck?" -Mike Kojima "There are two things no man will admit he cannot do well: drive and make love." -Sir Stirling Moss