[CentOS] 4gb ram shows as 3.3gb

Martin Marques

martin at bugs.unl.edu.ar
Thu Jul 26 20:49:32 UTC 2007

Nick wrote:
> Martin Marques wrote:
>> The thing is, and I'm still trying to find a solution for one of our 
>> servers, the the memory addresses from 4Gb down are used for PCI, VGA, 
>> onboard stuff, and even though the memory isn't used, the addresses 
>> are, and so they are not passed to the OS.
>> Can you send some info on the motherboard you have?
> It's a Dell Poweredge 1950 straight out of the box...

What chipset does the motherboard have? Asus, Intel, MSI, etc?

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Centro de Telemática        |       '@' || 'unl.edu.ar';
Universidad Nacional        |   DBA, Programador,
     del Litoral             |   Administrador

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