[CentOS] Centos as a desktop, advisable?

Wed Jul 25 13:23:34 UTC 2007
Scott Moseman <scmoseman at gmail.com>

I'm running CentOS on my server and I don't feel it makes a great
desktop since several of the major applications (OpenOffice, Firefox,
etc) lag behind since it follows RHEL.  I prefer to use something more
dynamic and current on the desktop.


On 7/24/07, beast <beast at ldap.or.id> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to deploy centos on hundreds of client PC (a new setup).
> Presently, several distros has attract me due to their focus on the desktop,
> however they only have few months lifetime before a new version released.
> Is it advisable using centos on client? what about support for new
> hardware and several office productivity software like openoffice, did centos
> always update to the latest version?
> Previously i was using RH9 on several hundreds clients and love it, however
> the update was horrible since it is unsupported, hence I can not install it
> on the new hardware (ie. sata)
> thanks.
> --beast