[CentOS] Re: Major problem with software raid

Fri Jul 27 02:37:37 UTC 2007
Steven Haigh <netwiz at crc.id.au>

Quoting ajulvestad <ajulvestad at n4f.no>:

> Johnny Hughes writes:
>> ajulvestad wrote:
>>> Ok, this is the case: I've got two raid-5 arrays with software   
>>> raid, both with three disks.
>>> Setup:
>>> md0 has hdb2, hdd1 and sda1
>>> md1 has hdb5, hdd3 and sda3
> Thank you for the URL, but I have already seen the howto. Running
> mdadm --assemble --force only provides the message that there is only
> one disk available. So what I'm looking for is a way to tell mdadm
> exactly what devices to use for the array.

Silly question, but can the system see sda, hdb & hdd?

can you see anything from "fdisk -l /dev/sda" - the same for hdb and hdd?

Steven Haigh

Email: netwiz at crc.id.au
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