[CentOS] Re: SOLVED: Re: KStars on CentOS 4.4?

Mon Jul 30 15:15:05 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Lanny Marcus spake the following on 7/28/2007 5:36 AM:
> On 27 July 2007, Scott Silva wrote:
>> You can get Fedora 3 src rpms for Centos 4 and Fedora 6 srpms for
>> Centos 5. Then it can be as simple as rpmbuild --rebuild bla-
>> bla-.src.rpm. It can also be difficult if other dependencies creep in.
>> But the rpmbuild process should warn you.
> Scott: Thank you again! I think I have the SRC RPMS for FC3 and FC6. 
> I will do some reading, about rpmbuild.  Lanny
You are very welcome!


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